The following is a non-exhaustive list of free online textbooks and resources that use R

12.1 Textbooks/Readings

12.1.1 R Programming

12.1.2 Statistics with R

12.1.3 Visualisations

The de-facto standard for visualisations in R is the ggplot2 package. If you want to read Hadley Wickham’s paper that implemented the grammar of graphics into R, you can find it here

12.2 Online resources

Data science and statistical programming can be challenging. Computers are dumb and tiny errors in your code can cause hours of frustration (even if you’ve been doing this stuff for years!).

Fortunately, there are tons of online resources to help you with this. Two of the most important are StackOverflow (a Q&A site with thousands of answers to all sorts of statistical and programming questions) and RStudio Community (a forum specifically designed for people using RStudio and the tidyverse).

12.3 Software

Typora is a lightweight, stand alone editor for Markdown documents

12.4 Companies, Government Agencies, and NGOs Using R

12.5 Podcasts

Tim Harford’s More or Less explains and debunks the numbers and statistics used in political debate, the news and everyday life. A great episode on sampling can be found here

This page last updated on: 2020-07-14